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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Orient Express Geocoin/Game

To be honest, I am trying to figure this thing out too. It is a geocoin linked to a game found here.

It sounds pretty outstanding. The one thing I don't understand is that you pay $18 for the geocoin, and you don't seem to need it for the game... You do need a lizard cyper coin though, but you can make one here. According to the site the proceedes of the coin go to pay for game development.


the3defaus said...

Same here. I think they super price is because you can get it engraved. For me, it was easy to save the $20 on this coin.

Anonymous said...

There are actually two versions of this coin. One is for anybody, like the one shown, and the other is an antique copper for finishers of the game. All the proceeds go to support future games. These games are always free, and provide so much entertainment. I ordered my participant coin yesterday. It will be engraved with my name and the rank I finished, which BTW, was #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!