Saturday, June 16, 2007

Cool new coins headed to the Geocoin Store

Here in the coming soon there are two coins of note to keep us getting up in the morning :) The first is a geocoin that the Geocoin Store commissioned to Chris Mackey. The Pathtag Sherpa Geocoin is something brand new for those keeping tabs. About a year ago the Geocoin Store came out with pathtags. Little personal coins with holes that were designed to be inexpensive metal not trackable cacheswag. These little things are really nice (I have one) but up until now you couldn't track them on groundspeak. Here's where the Sherpa comes in... It is a traditional geocoin that allows your pathtag to somehow snap on so you can personalize it. Awesome idea! If you don't have a tag, it comes with one. The design of the coin is very cool. It reminds me of crake's Tracking Time coin, even though I believe the art is more Hindu than Aztec. These will be here in a couple of weeks.

The second coin is AtlantaGal's 3rd Anniversary Geocoin. AtlantaGal is one of the people that makes GC forums interesting. This coin is a very unique shape. Maybe the first slot machine coin. Congrats AtlantaGal, looking forward to the coin.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, great pathtag and awesome blog! My blog is just underway and my pathtag is as yet "unshipped". Just picked up a Sherpa this week in anticipation. I'll be keeping my eye on your blog for inspiration!
