Both coins are hard enamel.
These are nice little hibiscus micros. There is a residents version that has orange enamel and a regular version where the flower is yellow soft enamel. These come in packs of 5 and will be sold for $24 in the us and $27.00 to Canada. Everywhere else will ship for $28.00. These are trackable with a nice icon. You can read more in the Cachebug forum here.
Size: 1.00”
Thickness: 2 mm
Metal & Quantity: 1,000 total minted, 850 yellow hibiscus, 150 orange hibiscus (Hawai`i residents only), polished/shiny gold
Colors: Hard enamel, transparent yellow (orange) and red on the front, transparent blue and regular green on the back
To order:
Send an email to: hawaiigeocoins@gmail.com
Subject: Hawai`i Micro Geocoins
(Copy and paste the following into the email)
Geo Nick:
Real Name:
Paypal Email:
Contact Email Address:
Quantity of Sets:
A correction for the above post: both coins are hard enamel