Thursday, February 08, 2007

River City & Team Moagy Personal

Chris Mackey dropped me a line today and was boasting about some great new coin he was working on. After permission from the owners he sent it over and all I can say is COOL! Chris can explain it better than I can so here it is in his own words:

*Quoted text*
The full particulars are yet to be announced, but currently it is slated to be a Sequentially Numbered and non-trackable coin.
We're anticipating antique finishes with little or no enamel instead relying on deep recessions and ascensions in the metal design. The works of Andrew Goldsworthy, early European metalwork and Japanese Iconography are all sources of inspiration in this coin. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed working on it. Rivercity and Team Moagy put a lot of thought into what they wanted represented in their design including the merging of the two great rivers near there home, the flourishing local egrets that enjoy those waterways, the Native American history of the area, local flora and their personal admiration of the classic designs in the compass roses of nautical navigation. They have been a joy to work with and I'm really looking forward to seeing the results of their project to build their ideal
signature item. Take a look...
*End Quote*

I really enjoy personals that say something about their owners and this coin seems to do that very well! All I can say is YES I do like it so where and how much! :D

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