The Copper is no longer an XLE. It is now only an LE with the Bronze. There are 75 of each being minted...
Copper is sold out.
This is a very cool coin for those fans of penguins and 3D coins. It features one side with 3D Emperor penguins and the other with a 3D map of Antartica. Three metals are for sale for $8.75 per coin plus $2.00 shipping for the first coin and $0.50 for each additional coin. Antique Bronze LE with polished gold lettering (75 ea), Antique Copper XLE with polished Copper lettering (50 ea), and Antique Silver with polished Nickel lettering (100 ea). To order email with:
Caching Name:
Real Name:
PayPal e-mail address:
Antique Bronze:
Antique Silver:
Antique Copper:
(Put "OSHNDOC COIN ORDER" in the subject)

Those are actually my (OshnDoc) personal coins with an Antarctica theme. There are a few left for trade at the Gecoinfest in Silver and Copper after I had increased to 300 total production (Antique Copper, Antique Silver, and Antique Bronze). There is a 2-tone for trades only being minted. Current updated arrival of the final coins will be first week of February, with invoicing to be send out just before to be able to set up shipping.