Friday, December 29, 2006

Crake has been busy!

We knew that the Three Roses were in production. These are the three coins that will have the magnet that were covered a few weeks ago (search the blog for Three Roses, in the upper left hand corner). But Crake has been holding back a little. Along with the release of the Three Roses will come the Navstar 2.0. I guess like George Lucas, Crake likes to go back to his masterpieces and tweak them. The front of this coin has significant changes, but the back is basically the same. See the new coin below. I think it looks very cool. Crake is experimenting on the stars in the back ground. They will be in shiny silver and raised out of the enamel. Probably the biggest news is that Chris has completed the initial drawings of the Sun Catcher 2007. Once satisfied with the art he will give us a sneak peak. The last coin he is working on is another similar to the popular Bluebells coin. It is a Wildflowers coin and I can't wait to see all of these!!!! Thanks for the info Crake!

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