Monday, October 09, 2006

Mackey's FTF coin to rerun

Well, it appears that the Mackey FTF coin will run in both metals (Black Nickel/Antique Brass) It was last reported that The Geocoin Store would only run the best seller of the two again. I am a little taken back from this development. I respect that The Geocoin Store needs to make money, but I can't stand when people say one thing and do another. If there was a coin to be run into infinity it would be this coin though. It is a perfect cache prize, but at 7.50 for an unlimited issue I think they are asking a bit too much.

1 comment:

  1. Wanted to leave some "fact correction" for you :)

    - This is the final reprint of the FTF coin.

    - Both versions sold at almost the same pace, so we opted to remint them both in equal quantities. I don't feel this contradicts the previous statement that we'd do what seems most popular - they were almost even.

    - This means the black nickel version is a smaller run than the antique overall as the first run was half the run of the antique.

    We never have and have no plans to have an "infinite life" geocoin in our store. Some have sold very slowly so it *appears* they have an infinite life ;) If/when we do, it will be well noted on the coin description very clearly.

    Always if you would like clarification on a decision - feel free to contact me directly for comment. My door is always open. We are a business but we approach our business as a member of the Geocoin community and with integrity.

    -Mike (
