Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Interesting Project in the works At The Geocoin Store

A while back The Geocoin Store started an interesting project. They would buy back coins to both help others who were trying to recoup costs and to offer some affordable coins. Most in the $5 range. Naturally with the demand being so high, they sold out quick. To replenish the supply of discount coins they have tried something else. Asked others to submit art. I believe this is a great idea to get some more talent involved in the making of geocoins according to The Geocoin Store they have had several submissions and have some new discount coins in the works. It appears that they wont be showing up for another month. This means some nice cheap geostocking stuffers are on the way!

*Quoted from The Geocoin Store Website*

Coin Designs Wanted!

When we launched our new storefront, we opened a new department called the "Bargain Bin" and placed a large quantity of coins on sale at under $5.00 each. If you look - we're almost out! The response to the bargain bin has been so positive we are making it a permanent part of our store and will be designing coins specifically to go in it.

We're looking for bargain bin designs and invite anyone out there to submit your artwork to us for consideration. We're on the lookout for great designs to bring to market in our store and through The Geocoin Club. The Bargain Bin is where we have our highest current interest. We're not asking for freebies - if we select your design, we'll pay you in either cold hard cash or free coins for your design. For instance, if you submit a Bargain Bin design and it is selected for production we will:

* Pay you $75 cash or 10 free coins of you design for the rights to use your artwork
* Price the final coin for retail sale at $5.00 or less guaranteed.

So, if you've been thinking about having a coin made, but just aren't sure. Or would like to help us bring a great variety of really affordable coins to market - fire your design off to info@geocoinclub.com

Please read our entire artwork submission policy prior to submitting a design. We have been considering this kind of program for a very long time but have opted not to until we could draft a policy that covers our concerns about submissions of art which are similar to what we have already begun design or production on. We feel our new policy covers this issue adequately. Please read it prior to a submission as it is brand new and we will change it as needed in response to anything requiring clarification as we work in our new program.

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